Friday 21 October 2011

Gers Auch Policy and trees

Wed 19 Oct
Departed Bordeax for a long drive south. Wet weather front with plenty of rain meaing that the scenery rather obscured by rain and driving conditions less than ideal - but a good day for travel rather than being in the field. 4.5 hours later I arrive in the region of Gers to the town of Auch to meet Alain Canet.
Almost immidiatley I know I have met a kindrid spirit. ALain is passionate about agroforestry and is a 'do-er' - he has taken it ouon himself to create the larger and more active of the two agroforestry associations in Fr and travels extensively talking to high level politicians about AF and incusion in policy. I suspect in many ways the succes of Fr AF is down to his drive and passion suported by INRA research.
How did I fin this out - well in typical french fashion - on arrival the first thing on the agenda, lunch - not a quick sandwich but reasturant, tapas  and salad starters (fab), beef and veg (wonderful), fromage course (great) and creme caramell desert (yummy) followed by coffee and of course the obligatory van rouge throughout......nothing special or extraordinary for the french just normasl fab food and time spent eating and talking...amazingly the plat des jour for only Euro10...£8!!!!!! each + van rouge of course.

So in the afternoon we visited the 'Arbe & Pasage 32' offices *Trees in the landscape region 32..  The organisation has ' association' status with government. it has no core funding and only gets income from advisory work for designing and implementing AF so is semi ortonomal but driven by gov policy etc. In france there are 22 regions and 100 departments (area 32 is one department - Gers is a regions). within the area 32 there are over 500 communities or i gues a UK equavalent is a parish. so lots to go at. some 250 plus farms in the region of Gers with agroforestry.
Gov support funds treee establishment to c. 70% with 30% contribution from farmer. Goiv policy recognises the multifunctional benefits of AF and has emraced adoption and advisory support etc. A current focus is working with the departemnt of transport for tre establihment on verges and along roads for pollution capture (water and air) and carbon sequestration as well as landscape benefits.
Looked that the process of design and accounting which is all Pc automated - very slick. also looked at many pics and publications on AF and discuissed ways of sharing this on an EU basis - although translatioin required.
During the afternoon looked around the town of AUch for an hour with Alain plus a cpl of coffe stops en route....The evening was spent at Alains house with wife and daughter discussing AF policy further and consuming 'Duck en confit' plus van rouge an ice creme....yum......

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