Friday 27 May 2011

No yellow brick road...rather perennial pathways

Today didnt start well at all.......The plane from Phileldephia was there at 8pm last eve, so were the passengers...jsut no crew!...2 hrs late they arrived, then we boarded and could not get an engine to start (well better on the ground I suppose)...another hr sat in the plane watching techicians come and go.......just a fuze in the end I taxi out to take of and we are held because of bad weather...another 40 mins while they re-route I arrive after a 3hr flight to Kansas City at 4am local time rather than 11pm the previous evening!!!!. and I have a 3hrr drive ahead for an appointment at 9.30am!!!!....
The sleep in the hotel was all too short and a 3hr drive through the great plains from Kansas City to Selina..........(watching for tornados out the window!!). but well worth it when I arrived at the Land Institute.

The Mission of the Land Institute is to move the main food crops to Perennial plants.....but of staples, so Perennial wheat, sunflower, sorghum, maize, rice etc. Sounds great but its a lot of work in selection and breeding. All this is being achieved the right way crossing wild plants and ciultivated plants to produce perennial plants that re grow each year and produce acceptable yields. I was hiugley impressed by the progress in 10 yrs....I saw perennial wheat in the greenhouse and out in the field...lots of varoation between different types and still a long way to go but perhaps this is my Nirvana......sell the tractor, just perennialk wheat and apples, just picking and cultivations at all...Bring it on I say.

Lots of information was shared between myself and the LI staff and Im sure I will be in contact some more.
From Selina I drove to Witicha across the 'Great Plains' humming Whiticha lineman all the way...Its flat and rolling with either Corn or prarei grass and cows and its HUGE...goes on forever!!!, Freom Witicha to Iolo KS and another hotel and some 480 miles covered today......rather tired so will hit the sack before some more Agroforestry tomorow

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