Tuesday 24 May 2011

OOOOOOOhh Canada

Arrived in Toronto and spent monday with Shane Eby 2010 Nuffield Scholar looking at his farm and community supported agriculture veg enterprise. Enjoyed his company and was impressed with his endevours, especially establishing some small scale agroforestry and intercropping between hops....cant wait for the beer to flow!

spent today with Agroforestry profs from univesrity of Guelph looking at silvopasture and silvo arable, alley cropping systems which were planted 18 and 23 yrs ago - so now mature.....productivity in the alleys of corn, soy bean and wheat is comparable with adjacent monoculture, although the corn suffers from the shad a bit with lower yields as a result. the tress are fab and growing asnd yielding well

now comming to terms with US air travel delays witha 3hr delay in toronto airport en route to the USA......

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