Monday 30 May 2011

Peaches, oil, cows and hospitality

Monday (Memorial Day in the USA)
Joe Wilson Kindly agreed to show me around some more in Kansas today. We visited Frank & Melanie Gieringer at Egerton They are conventional corn and soy farmers and have diversified into 20+ acres of peach trees, blackberries and tomatoes, sweet peppers and raspberries grown indoors in pollyunnels (hoop houses). Everything is sold via the farm shop, 'U pick' or at farmers markets - lots of work, very impressive and I realy appreciated being shown around.

Also saw some longhorn cattle and some interesting signs at an historic school site - very little house on the prarie...

One thing I still cant quite comprehend is than on some farms they pump crude oil straight out of the ground and sell trees, wheat and oil....they would be a profitable combination!!!!

Im so grateful to Joe and his family for their hospitality and for looking after me and showing me round Kansas and Missouri. They are great people and im in the debt for their kindness.. A drive to Columbia, some washing done and early to bed for a new day tomorow

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