Wednesday 2 November 2011

Domaine Mazy

Sunday spent the morning walking the farm with François and his son Martan looking at agroforestry with chestnut, cherry, walnut, almond, persimmon, plumb and honey locust trees with cereals and forage in alleys. he also has agroforestry in his vineyard which is excellent...and the wine from the vines is also fab!. He has applied many ecological and permaculture principles to field scale farming with impressive results.

spent 3 hrs walking the farm looking at afgroforestry. Ate grapes from the vines and fresh almonds from the trees. Noted that the grape pipe and shrived skins make excellent soil conditioners added back to the soil. Looked at olives and 200 year old mulbury trees being renovated for silk production. Was impressed by honey locust trees and lucerene ‘bushes’ – could be a useful under storey shrub in agroforestry.!!

They also have a Neolithic monument on the farm which is a French National heritage site. Apparently the Romans nicked half the stone to build houses!!!!...but they did bring grape vines in rtn I guess.

Then we had a full Sunday 5 course meal with the family 'al fresco' on a large table in the courtyard in the sun and 22 degrees warmth in late october...fab!. A comment from his wife was that ‘we were both in bliss talking about agroforestry which we are both passionate about’

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