Wednesday 2 November 2011

Domaine Perdiguier Beziers

Monday 31 October
The plan was to be at INRA Montpellier all day but the researcher I had planned to meet became unavailable for the meeting. So at the last minuite I managed to arrange another meeting/visit to Domaine Perdiguier with Mr Jerrome Ferraci. He is a commercial farmer with some 600ha mainly arable but with a 30ha block of agroforestry with walnuts interplanted with conventional crops of maize, sorghum, wheat, OSR etc. We discussed the technical aspects of agropforestryt and what he woiuld do differently and policy etc....
Turns out that Mr Feracci is also a wine it semed rude not to look at his production, visit the wine sellar and do some tasting!....came away purchasing two cases......

Also turns out that the Chateau he lives in is 12 century, fab place and when renovating the disovered some 14th century frescos....stunning!

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