Wednesday 16 November 2011

Munich organic engineering tech and fruit

Sat 5th November

Met with Dr. Klaus Wiesinger from the Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (LfL) -
Institut für Agrarökologie, Ökologischen Landbau und Bodenschutz. He had kindly put a programme of vists together for me.
First visit of the day was to an organic farmer and agroforester and serial inventor....!. Things of note were that not only washe doing some interesting timber agroforestry and had research trials on teh farm with the ag institurt but also was generating his own energy with a wood gasification plant (to use the timber as woodchip) and PV panells, bot generated energy which he used to dry silage into hey in an inovate bunker system with underfloor vents and a crane in teh roof of the building to load in and out!!......also he had a cobvered composting system....what an inovator.

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