Thursday 3 November 2011

Fibl & DOK trails

2 Nov 2011
Spent a 2nd day at Fibl at Frick. The morning with the DIrector Prof Urs Niggli looking at the site and all the research activities including : hemonoptra (fly) breeding on waste prodct and harvesting for fish food; wild flower and parasitoid research; vreiety breeding and testingh; homeopathy research; ectparatite research etc. Lots of discussion on information exchange, training and collaboration on an EU basis. Also potential for development of further agroforestry research and development activities.

Fibl have invested havily in new research facilities after purchasing their site from the local gov landowners a few years ago - they now have exclelent world class facilities.

Spent some time with Lukas Phiffner looking at apple research and visiting low input organic systems. some useful information on Codling moth systems.

In teh afternoon wnet by car to Basel to look at the DOK trial site started in 1978 comparing organic, bio-dynamic and conventional systems. Results = a convincing case for organic agriculture. What was realy notable to me was the huge level of active worms.

Another nite in sleeply Frick at the 1970s hotel Adler...tomorow an early start to Nr Munich Germany

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