Sunday 12 June 2011

Agroforestry Central

Monday 6th August
the 12th North american Agroforestry Conference, University of Gerogia, Athens
The day commenced with a plenary session with presentations from the Assistand Dean and then Dr Kathelen Merrigan - Deuty Secretary of State for Agriculture......No 2! - so the big guns were out. Dr Marrigan said all te right things regarding the benefits of Agroforestry and supporting its development in th USA - She seemed a genuine supporter of AF and what it can deliver - however I suspect that in real terms other pressure may temper her ability to create cahnge, policy and action. That said its good that high level polititians acknowledge the role of AF and have it included in core policy. I spoke with her during the morning and encouraged her to share her passion and commitments in Eurpoe and the UK - at least then we may get AF on teh agenda and recognised.

Jamshed Merchant - Assistand Deputy Minister of Agriculture in Canada spoke - an Ex UEA and Reading Uni UK graduate. he talked at lenght about the benefits if AF and how they fit to policy in Canada and used the expresion "local solutions applicable on a Global basis" which I thought was very apt re AF. The use of using trees in different ways and thinking of new approaches to sloving agricultural food production and climate chage issues seemed sensible and there is a growing appreciation that USA/Canada must work together and perhaps on a globals basis with other countries.

Dr Dennis Garity Director World Agroforestry  Centre / ICRAF Niarobi gave a facinating talk on How AF in the tropics has realy resulted in a renaciance in agricultural productivity - He is now championing 'evergren agriculture' combining trees and anuall/perenial crops.
He emphasised that in many 'souther countries' other than using agroforestry there are very few options which prvide more food, better land management, reduced Grenhouse Gass Emitions (GHG) for a growing polulation. High input based fertaliser agriculture just does not deliver in developing countries. He cited examples from Malawi, Niger, Ethopia where tree planting and intercropping to for multi-storey agricultural systems is now increasing rapidly as a stable means of food production.
An inspirational Day which re-confirmed what we are doing in the UK is in the right direction - now just to convince the policy makers.........

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