Sunday 12 June 2011

Fun Farm Festivals in PA

Sat 11 June
Im Being hosted by Heidi Secord & Gary Bloss at the The Josie Porter Farm and the Cherry Valley CSA. They spotted a semi abondened farm with a long history of bio-dynamic farming about 5yrs ago and convinced the local community and district council to develop a shared vision.
The farm under the guidance, management and extreemly hard garft of Heidi and Garry is going into their fifth season of operation.  They provided 45 shares to the community in 2007, and have increased shares to over 100 for 2011 - feeding over 100 families for a share of $650 each per year!!!! - its remarkable on how much good local organic food camn be produced from just a few acres to fed so many families -its got me thinking about a CSA at home.
The farm operates on a portion of the former Josephine Porter Farm, which is owned by Stroud Township and was acquired as part of its open space initiative.
The farm, envisioned by Heidi Secord, focuses on the legacy of Porter, who made biodynamic agriculture preparations in this country for almost three decades. Biodynamic growers recognize the soil itself to be alive and that human health and vitality depend upon the health and vitality of the soil. The concept goes beyond the term "organic."
Aside from the fresh vegetables grown and harvested weekly at the farm, a buying club has been created to offer other healthy whole foods from local sources - including honey, meat, cheese, eggs, salmon, and more.

Today was the farms open day festival with music farm tours, arts and crafts stands etc.....rather a damp wet start but eveyone injoyed themselves. I was put to work and felt useful - "Josie Porter Farm" - its a fab place with lots going on including permaculture and bio-dynamic farming - seems it was the birth place for bio-dynamics in the USA. - I was put to work and spent the day grilling local free range sausages and Salmon burgers with Heids Dad Geg - Think I gave some of the festival goers a bit of a shock taking orders in an English accent - threw them a bit!!!...but I did hear "Gee I love your accent" at leat twice I think - perhaps it was more???

It rained a little but is pleasantly cool. Tomorow Im hoping to go and se some 'bald eagles' about 5 miles away in the woods on a ridge in the Pocono Mountains. Its very geen , mountainous and misty here this mornings. Its the first time ive ben in the mountains on this trip and its a nice change......The scenery reminds me of when I was in PA 21ys ago teaching on a kids summer camp.......PA is a lovely place, nice scenecy and mountains and people.....

Im very greatful to Heidi and Garry for letting me stay and participate in their farm festival.

1 comment:

  1. So glad another nuffield have visited Heidi and Gary, i learned loads there and ate very well!
