Sunday 12 June 2011

Airports and Buses

Sunday 5th June
5am start to catch a flight from Kansas to Atlanta. Good flight but then the problems with Shuttle buses. The Firm I had booked and paid for a ticket with for the 1.5hr transfer from Atlanta Airport to Athens had been taken over by another firm and not only would they not honour the booking but shuttle times were different so I had a 2hr wait for a bus!....not so bad but 95F heat and 92% humidity.........eventually got to Athens, Georgia and booked into the conference centre. Athens is a university town – well laid out and very nice. Walked around town a bit but in 95 deg with 90% humidity its gruelling!. The team from MU arrived after a 13hr drive (I think I prefer the plane) and Mike Gold, Irene Unger and I set out for a beer and found a bar serving English beer and whiskey – abiet the beer is served cold – just as well in this heat. Had some nice discussions about puting the world to rights with ecological land management. Tomorow the conference.

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