Sunday 12 June 2011

The wonders of technology & Move over Dirty Harry

Sunday 4th June
After breakfast we used skype to introduce the Briggs & Walter familys via video link. The kids chatted and exchanged questions – I think that Claire and Hattie and Ben & Daisy – being the same age would get on like a house on fire – Kate being older will no doubt have them all doing what she wants. I have made such good friends in the Walters and feel so lucky to have met them and stayed with them. Im hoping I can get then to vacation in the UK – perhaps a joint holiday in Scotland or something?

Dusty took me out of town sat morning to a shooting range – what an experience – first I had a go with a pump action shotgun, then a 44 magnum (Dirty Harry special) which would blow a hole straight through a car!...then an automatic pistiol and finaly a US military style assault rifle – all firing semi-auto – basically the bullets come out as quick as you can pull the trigger!!!! – Prob the first and last time I will get a chance to do anything like that.

Had lunch with the Walters and said a fond farewell before setting of on the 2.5hr drive back to Kansas City. Dropped the hire car and had a night in a budget hotel.

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