Wednesday 15 June 2011

USA - views from a foreigner

So some observations from my nearly 4 weeks in the USA;
  1. iPhone with Tom Tom – Brilliant – door to door faultlessly all over the USA
  2. Flags – Patriotism is high everywhere – ive never seen so many flags on porches, in gardens, over shops, car lots etc etc……I guess us brits are more reserved and ned a royal wedding to shake the union Jack
  3. Mowing grass – I have never seen so many mowers operating….in gardens, on verges, in parks, on campuses etc. The grass ‘medians’ between freeway lanes are superwide and stretch for hundreds of miles – they top them frequently – I wonder if anyone has thought that they would make excellent hey!....also some of the front grass curtlages in front of some factories are larger than some of my cropping fields – I wonder If they would let me grow some onions on them???
  4. Gas (petrol) is $3.90/ gallon c.60p/litre at the pumps – and they are moaning about price hikes! – I think climate change and dwindling oil reserves will come as a shock
  5. No diesel cars in the USA – I believe it’s a Detroit conspiracy…..With the long distances you would expect lots of TDI cars…but no. Yes smaller cars being driven than 20 yrs ago when I last visited, cars are typically not much bigger than in the UK but all are large engine petrol cars which on a good day do 30mpg….many pickup trucks only doing 10-15mpg…..
  6. Humidity at 95% in Georgia – takes some getting used to – Feels like someone dripping hot water over you and sticking you in an oven……
  7. Corn and Soy beans in the mid west – Miles upon miles of nothing but corn and soy beans – Im only seeing them at 1-2 feet high but I bet by August it looks like a continual swathe of green. The endless prairies go on for ever but are not featureless or unlikeable…
  8. Trees and hills in PA – I had forgotten how green and tree covered Pennsylvania was from visiting 20 yrs ago. Its very pretty with long high ridges and deep valleys with streams and rivers…50% of the state is covered by trees….beautiful.
  9. Cinnamon – Other than a bit in apple pie we Brits don’t realy do cinnamon…In the USA however its popular. Cinnamon bread, toast, buns, breakfast cereals, coffee etc etc etc. Some supermarket Isles smell of cinnamon
  10. Meal ‘sides’ – Im used to ordering a meal and that’s what I get….as ordered. In the USA you get a whole bunch of ‘sides’ as well….a side of fries, a salad, bread etc all accompany the main event….so I have to remember not to order too big a main dish as the meal doubles in size with all the ‘sides’
  11. Supersize – The Germans have extra engineering chromosomes, the Indians and extra small biz chromosome, the Brits an extra queuing one…the USA…well I think they have an extra ‘supersize’ chromosome…
  12. Wonderful hospitality -  I cant fault it. I have been treated so very well by so many people and made to feel so welcome. I have seen wonderful things, met great people, generated good contacts and made some truly special friends. I hope I get to see some of them again. I think the Christmas card list has expanded somewhat.
  13. Thank you USA and all my hosts and new friends.

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